長春市經濟圈規劃區主要包括長春市、吉林市、四平市、遼遠市、松源市、公主嶺市、梅河口市,共有35個縣(市、區)。 上述地區占全省面積的48.6%,常住人口占全省的74%,占全省GDp的84%,固定資產投...
Woah … it has been a loooooong time since I’ve posted. Looooong time. I’m amaz...
I’ve been re-visiting some of my favorite cookbooks lately. I don’t have a vast collec...
Recently, I read somewhere that 2008 was a big year for salted caramel. I don’t think I&rsqu...
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte is a lot easier to make than one might think – and the best par...
I originally had planned to start this off with a mention of the sudden shift we’ve had from...
By now I think you know that I really love Asian-inspired take-out style dishes. LOVE them. It&rsq...
To be honest, lobster rolls are one of those things that I always think I want, and then when I or...
On a recent California Ripe Olive Tour, I enjoyed a whirlwind 2 days of meeting farmers and visiti...
I ignore the dead fly floating in a sea of candle wax while it burns. I wake up and have to pee, ...
For all of those readers in the Connecticut area, I will be taking part in a fundraiser for Gatew...
I don’t care for beer. Really, I never have. This is not so much a problem now, but imagine ...